An introduction to Conscious Connected Breathwork, full body breathing and Quantum Light Breath including the anatomy of breathing. Richard gives pointers on how to access your full breathing capacity. |
Richard shares about the foundations of Conscious Connected Breathwork and what we can discover with this technique and it's ability to change our inner state of being. |
Richard shares his intention and passion for breathwork, sharing the aliveness. Plus the potential and the beauty of Quantum Light Breath. |
Satsang meets to Breathwork - returning to what is true, discovering what is essential and finding the very humanness that is present here now as the goal of realization. Coming into your human body and aliveness. |
Richard talks about what it really means to be present and describes how presence is the foundation for full aliveness. |
Richard speaks to the Tantra of Conscious Embodiment that is possible as we come to presence through our breath. |
More advance principles of Conscious Connected Breath and Quantum Light Breath. Effectively attending to emotions and stories and bringing conscious aliveness to what arises during breath-work as a way of releasing old beliefs and identifications. |
One woman's experience of Quantum Light Breath at the Bali Spirit Festival in 2016 and a short interview with Richard. |